Announcing Development of Scribe

Announcing Development of Scribe


We are excited to announce our development team is breaking ground on an amazing new service: Scribe!


What is Scribe?

Scribe is the next generation translation engine powered by the Ally Ecosystem. This resource will allow businesses to get verified, crowdsourced localized translations for documents, applications, books, and more.


Crowdsourced Localized Translations

Ally has taken crowdsourcing to the next level with our on-demand, real people translation and localization engine. 

Scribe will be a community-led tool that businesses can use to translate their internal-facing resources for their staff, and their external-facing resources for their customers.

You will be able to leverage the knowledge of thousands, or even millions of people around the world to accurately provide translations.

But what about accuracy?

Ally has a number of safeguards in place to ensure an accurate translation.

  • Users requesting translations through Scribe will be able to upload additional resources to the Context Engine, such as photos, videos, and more, to make sure the translator captures the intended context and feeling of the original text.
  • Each translation requires verification by at least 5 other members of the community before being submitted to the requestor as completed.

Sign up to be considered for our beta program here: 


Are You Speaking Our Language?

Ally is developing a community of translators from all over the world to contribute to this network. We are inviting YOU to join our global network of translators!

As a translator, you can earn DRCT tokens by successfully completing translations. In order for a translation to be considered successful, your work must be validated by the Scribe community at least 5 times. This ensures the quality of the translation, and your success on the platform.

We have opened our beta program and want you to be one of the first translators! Sign up to join Scribe here: